Looking for a sleek experience that combines your Logins, Bookmarks, and Safenotes all in one place on your Windows or Mac device? The RoboForm 8 Start Page is the perfect destination! Simply install RoboForm on your device, visit https://start.roboform.com/ and you’re on your way.

The updated interface makes browsing and accessing your data easier and faster than ever before.  Curious which sites you log in to most often? From the Home folder, click the “Popular” tab to quickly view or access your most visited sites. Take it a step further by customizing your Start Page with the “Pinned” tab. Clicking the pushpin icon in the upper right of a Login, Bookmark, or Safenote places that data file front and center on your Start Page. An added feature for the more meticulous users – pinned data files can be easily organized by dragging and dropping them to different areas on the Start Page. Prefer to view Logins, Safenotes, and Bookmarks separately? Select the corresponding data field from the left navigation bar.

Editing Logins, Bookmarks, and Identities can be performed from the Start Page too. While your trusty RoboForm Editor will continue to do the job, we’re confident you’ll find it difficult to resist the simplicity of editing within the Start Page. Additional Start Page features include sharing, sending, and printing.

The convenience continues with the Start Page search field. This comes in particularly handy when you have multiple data pieces related to a specific site (e.g. Pinterest – different accounts, Safenotes for shopping lists and weekly meal plans,  bookmarked recipes, etc.). Simply type the keyword (“Pinterest”) into the search field and all related RoboForm data will display. Don’t yet have a Pinterest account, but you’d like to create one? Type “Pinterest” into the search field and presto – RoboForm’s search engine brings you to the site.

From searching and editing, to everything in between, the RoboForm Start Page is a great place to begin!

Visit our Help Center for specifics on navigating and customizing your Start Page.







Posted by Simon Davis

Simon Davis is the VP of Marketing for RoboForm.